Av. Nova Independência, 87 - 9º floor
Brooklin Novo, São Paulo - Brasil

+55 11 5171-6946



“Virtual reality in games is still looking for a market – it is an immersive experience, but not very comfortable”

Woman wearing VR glasses
Woman wearing VR glasses
Woman wearing VR glasses

SX Group

SX Group

It Forum

It Forum

“Virtual reality in games is still looking for a market – it is an immersive experience, but not very comfortable”

“Virtual reality in games is still looking for a market – it is an immersive experience, but not very comfortable”

The Pesquisa Game Brasil 2024 survey, the most recognized in our country in this market, brought an interesting fact: 40.4% of those interviewed have already tried a game in virtual reality and 49.4% of those who have not tried it, want to try it.


Av. Nova Independência, 87 - 9º floor
Brooklin Novo, São Paulo - Brasil

+55 11 5171-6946

Developed by


Av. Nova Independência, 87 - 9º floor
Brooklin Novo, São Paulo - Brasil

+55 11 5171-6946

Developed by